Proud official partner of Everton Football Club and Everton Academy

As official Everton partner, master of Italian
charcuterie Fratelli Beretta asked Evertonians what food means to them

Watch Italian chef Luca make his ultimate sandwich


Chef, Founder & Director of FRITTO Italian Street Food.

Milan born, Luca combined a background interest and education in Sociology with a genuine passion for food, to found in 2015 FRITTO, an award-winning Italian street food enterprise with a social conscience, at the local Granby Fourstreets Community Market.

Luca’s mission is to deliver a rich and genuine 'on the go' Italian experience, inspired by traditional taste and regional recipes, while using food to make a positive contribution to society through mentoring activities and food workshops.

For more info

Salumificio Fratelli Beretta Spa - 20056 Trezzo sull’Adda (MI) Via Fratelli Bandiera n. 12 - Codice Fiscale e P.Iva IT00208950139